Sunday, September 15, 2013

Monday, Monday!

Last week, we did a Laundry Theme and had a blast!  There was so much to do with this theme.  Along with all the art projects {you can check them out here}, we did lots of sorting......sorting socks by size, color, patterns.  We even sorted by more than one attribute (which is big stuff for beginning pre-k!)  We also sorted clean and dirty clothes!  We practiced our names by gluing items of clothing with letters in our names on matching letter clothespins.
We practiced counting objects to 4 by gluing the correct number of socks on the clotheslines.
I also made a color page to help us with identifying colors and recognizing color words.  You can get both pages by clicking on the pictures below.  :)

The adorable graphics are from 
Be sure to check out Lucky to be in First for some other fabulous freebies!
This week, we will be exploring our five senses.  We have some very fun things planned!  Check back at the end of the week to see all our activities!

Thanks for reading!  Have a great day.  :)

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday


  1. Um, this is so stinkin' cute I can't even stand it! However, I still could not teach those littles - eeeek they scare me! They're just so little! Thanks for sharing such an adorable goody! Have a fabulous week!

    Lucky to Be in First

  2. Thanks for sharing this. I'm thinking this would be a good differentiation activity in K.
    Bookish Ways in Math and Science

  3. This is by far my fav activity. Sophia can now help me fold laundry better. Her favorite is making sox into balls.
