Friday, September 13, 2013

Laundry Day!

This week's theme was one I had never done before. It ended up being so fun!  My good friend, Miss Beth {Laughter and Learning in Room 139} had done this one a few years back.  When I saw all the great things that could be done with it, I knew I wanted in.  Beth had made these little machines out of cardboard boxes.  Her little ones love playing with them in the 'house center' of her room.

Some of our activites included using bubble paint to show 'clean' shirts.

We painted with mud, brown paint, and wood chips to show 'dirty'.

And, then we ended the week outside washing clothes in our water tables and hanging them up to dry.
Other random things from this week include:
We painted initials of our first names by using masking tape and liquid watercolors.
I initiated something new with our centers. My sweeties in the afternoon tended to all want to play together in the same area.  To alleviate the congestion and encourage playing appropriately with friends, I developed this center rotation.  I kept the same friends together all week, but changed the center each day.  Knock on wood, but it worked like a charm all week!
I had one little sweetheart bring me roses all week long!  I am one lucky teacher.  :)
I hope you had a great week, as well!  
Thanks for reading.  Have a great day.  :)


  1. I love your laundry activities! So cute! I pinned the laundry machine. I will have to try to make.
    Fun in ECSE

  2. Your laundry unit goes perfectly with Mrs. Wishy Washy!!! I love it!!! What an adorable idea and post.

  3. Too cute! I bet your little kiddos had so much fun!
