One of my newest packs is quickly becoming one of my favorites! We have been using several activities from it since the beginning of the school year and I plan on using many throughout the year.
Beginning of the School Year Mega Math and Literacy Pack in action!
We colored these headbands to make and wear home on the first day of school.
We have practiced using liquid glue. To make it a bit more fun, I added some liquid paint. You can also use food coloring.
This following directions game is perfect for group time.
It lets me see who has difficulty following one and two-step directions. Plus, it helps us work on things like social skills, such as eye contact and listening to and following directions.
Now for the freebie!
{Yippee! I am so excited that I finally learned how to make editable PowerPoints. I should have learned that a long time ago!}
I used these yarn tipped laces from Lakeshore for the necklace and Pony beads for stringing.
Here, we are using pompoms and various tools to sort by color and work on fine motor development. These littles love this activity!
We used bingo dot markers, clipboards
and "i-pads" to practice recognizing our abc's.
I have my students sing the abc song to the tune of "Mary Had a Little Lamb" (the Pathways way of teaching the ABC's) to point out each letter until the correct one is identified.This following directions game is perfect for group time.
It lets me see who has difficulty following one and two-step directions. Plus, it helps us work on things like social skills, such as eye contact and listening to and following directions.
Now for the freebie!
I am linking up with Traci from The Bender Bunch for SPED-tacular Sunday Freebies. Be sure to check her blog out for more fabulous freebies!
I had my little ones make these the first day of school, while everyone was just arriving at school. It kept them occupied while I helped with the unpacking of backpacks process.
If you would like to download an editable name tag click HERE! {Yippee! I am so excited that I finally learned how to make editable PowerPoints. I should have learned that a long time ago!}
I used these yarn tipped laces from Lakeshore for the necklace and Pony beads for stringing.
I have more activities to share, but haven't gotten to them all yet,
I hope your school year has gotten off to a wonderful start!
Thanks for reading! Have a great day :)

These math and literacy activities look great. I like this kind of stuff and usually include that in my classroom activities. Recently I am using online practice tests for students. These are awesome tests and you can also use these for 1st to 8th grade students on