Saturday, September 17, 2016

Apple Activities!

Apples were our focus this week. 
There are so many things to do with this theme.  It's definitely one of my favorites!  
To highlight our week, I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching's Five for Friday linky.
Let's take a peek at our week!
For some fine motor work, little hands strung apple flavored cereal to make a delicious editable  necklace.
Of course, we had to taste test apples.  To engage our senses, little ones smelled each type of apple before they took a bite.
Then, they crunched away!
Since we are learning about graphs, it was the perfect opportunity to see which apple was the class favorite.  The learners colored the apple to represent the one they liked best.
And, the winner was.......
One of our sensory tubs was filled with oatmeal, cinnamon sticks, mini pie pans, bowls, cups, and utensils.  Pouring and dumping is SO fun, plus helps with fine motor development.
The second sensory table was filled with mini pie tins, small apples, felt, pompoms, and lots of different types of tools to pick to the apples and pompoms, such as scissor spoons, tongs, bug catcher type tongs, etc.  This table is close to the kitchen area, so my littles went to town making and baking lots of apple goodies.
 We also made apple pies with some play dough for additional fun and fine motor work!

 We used a salad spinner to paint apples for our apple tree.  I read about this idea on Teaching Two and Three Year Olds.  Sheryl always has fun ideas and this one was a hit!
 Little ones squeezed paint onto a cut out apple.  We put the lid on the spinner and then pulled the string {another fine motor workout!}
When we peeked inside, we saw beautiful works of art like this!
Here's a look at our apples on a tree.  I love how they all turn out so different!
Another must do art project is of course painting with apples.  This was a huge hit!
 I have found my students are needing a lot of fine motor work this year to strengthen the muscles in their hands.  Tearing construction paper strips to make these apples was just the ticket!
I am loving this bulletin board!
  Last weekend was the MIZZOU home opener and I was lucky enough to attend the game with these lovely ladies!  I firmly believe that taking the time to have fun helps me be a better teacher.  Good family and friends is just what the doctor ordered....kind of like "an apple a day"  :)
 Thanks for reading!  Have a great day.  :)

1 comment:

  1. I always try to add activities which are both fun and educational
