Friday, August 14, 2015

Back to School Flash Sale!

I'm sure everyone is super busy getting ready for back to school!  I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday to show what I'm doing to get ready and to showcase some of my "Back to School' items.  I will have them on sale throughout the weekend.  They will all be drastically discounted, so be sure to take advantage!  Click HERE to go to my store.
My new room is HUGE with lots of wall space.  I just finished my 'Colors Galore Posters and More' pack to hang in my room.  It will be on sale all weekend.
Things I love about this pack……
The posters are offered in both color and black and white.  Originally I thought I would offer both to save on ink, but then soon realized the black and white ones could be used for table time/morning work.  Then, it came to me that they could be colored by students and made into books.  You can also make one into a class book.  My students LOVE reading class books.  They take pride in their work and those books are the ones tattered from so much love!
There is a 'Color the Room' option that goes along with the posters, plus 6 options with multiple colors {17 color the room pages in all}
Plus, there are smaller size posters if you prefer.
Be sure to check it out.  It will only be $1 all weekend!
Here are other school related themes I finished this summer.

They are all only $1 this weekend!
 Then, there are these "oldies but goodies"…..

'Interactive Journal Prompts' are great for teaching the alphabet and letter sounds.
'ABC Stamp It' is great for teaching alphabet recognition.
There are more back to school related items for $1.00!  Go to my store and check them out.  Be sure to follow my store to be notified when new products, freebies, and sales are added!
Plus, everything else in my store is 20% off!
Be sure to check out the freebies, too!
I'm working on a 'Back to School Photo Booth'.  Here's what I have so far..
I put up black paper and framed it with silver border.  I am making props to hold.  Be sure to check back next week for a photo booth freebie, but in the mean time…..
I was getting coffee at a coffee shop the other day and as I was putting my cup in a sleeve, looked closely at it and waalaa….an idea came to me!
I'm going to cut the mustaches out and attach the coffee stirrer sticks with hot glue.  If you have an Einstein Brothers near you, you too can grab these!  They were super nice when I asked if it was ok.  :)
I am in the process of making new job and calendar icons for the new school year.  Here's a peek at what I have so far…..
The picture is not that great.  I wish it was more of a close up.  I will post more about the icons later.
Be sure to check out Doodle Bugs Teaching's Five for Friday.

Thanks for reading!  Have a great day.  :)

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