Friday, January 17, 2014

A Tacky 5 for Friday!

We learned about penguins this week.  I have been trying to introduce more non-fiction books and this was the perfect theme to do so.  Of course, we had to read "Tacky the Penguin" as one of our fiction books. We turned our door into 'Tacky the Penguin' to celebrate.
 Our little ones love Tacky.  We made our own Tacky penguins.
You can find the patterns on my Tacky ELA Pack at TpT or TN here.
We added them to our door.  I think they turned out pretty darn cute.  :)
We also sorted pom poms by color onto penguin bellies.  Little ones used tongs to pick up the pom poms to add a fine motor element.

My most amazing SLP brought styrofoam balls into our room for a snowball fight.  It was 'snow' much fun!
We also played with shaving cream on our table.  
For my sensory avoiders I squirt a little shaving cream under a sheet of bubble wrap to warm them up to the idea.  Usually it's not long before they are in to it, too!
How was your week?  Link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching and share with everyone.
Thanks for reading!  Have a great day.  :)


  1. As usual, love the blog! Tacky the Penguin was talked about a lot at our house and the snowball fight was also a huge success! ("Mom, we had a snowball fight at school, but not with real snow, just pretend snow!") You and Sarah have the most amazing ideas! We are so fortunate for you to be with Alex during the day!

  2. AWWW! Thank you. We love our Alex. He is so enthusiastic. I couldn't ask for a more engaged learner!

  3. Hey, just found this blog!! Love it!! I am also a preschool teacher in a head start program! I love working with them too!! We did a Penguin study before and I found a stuffed penguin "Tacky". The kids loved having Tacky in the classroom!! We also learned about Tacky's habitat and what he eats. The kids enjoyed this lesson!!
