Wednesday, October 2, 2013

October ~ Currently

No way can it be October already!  September just flew by.  But, since it really is October it is time to link up with Farley from Oh' Boy 4th Grade for 'Currently'.

It is quiet and very peaceful right now.  The only sound is the ceiling fan in the room.  Sometimes that's all I need.....a little white noise in the background and silence.

I think fall may be my favorite time of the year, weather wise. I love the warm days and cooler nights.  I wish it would stay like this year round. Either that or I need to move to San Diego!

I came down with a little something something yesterday.  Today I took the day off to try to get back on track.  I need to start feeling better.....ain't nobody got time to be sick!

I want a little mini vacay.  Just a long weekend will do!  

Another reason I can't be sick is it is our annual 'Grandparents'/Special Persons' Day tomorrow at school.  This is not a good time to be gone.  Luckily I have already done the prep work, but I need to get everything set up for this special event.

I have a freebie for anyone with small kids.  It is a visual of the steps to go trick or treating.  The past couple of years I have started practicing this at school with my sweeties.  Several teachers get involved and we take our little ones from door to door so they can "trick or treat" at school.  We go over the steps and expectations before they practice.  Click HERE or on the picture to grab a copy.

Thanks for reading.  Have a great day.  :)

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday


  1. I just found your blog through Farley's currently and and happy to be following! I'm totally with you on the silence and fall weather. Actually, I could go for a vacation too... Hope you're feeling better soon and good luck with your special day tomorrow!

    The Imaginary Classroom

  2. Thanks for the great trick or treat visuals! My partner and I were talking about practicing this with the kids. This will be perfect addition to that!
    Fun in ECSE

  3. This is awesome and would be great for kids with special needs too! Thanks!
