Saturday, August 17, 2013

Five for Friday!

Thursday was the first day of school for my sweeties.  Even though it was a short week with the little ones, I am TIRED!  Those babies have lots of energy, plus it takes a little time to get them in the routine.  They think they are just coming to play!
I set up my photo booth again to snap a few shots of my own.  These little guys crack me up!
We made placemats to use during snack time.  I use these mats to help me do quick teaching/assessments while eating. We glue pictures containing information on full name, birthday, colors,& shapes (address and phone number for pre-k only). I had my pre-k afternoon students cut their pieces apart, but because my morning little ones are only three and I wasn't sure how much practice they had with scissors I had their pieces already cut.  If you would like to use any of the pieces, they are available for free from my TpT store or my TN store.
We also made the necklaces.  They loved stringing the beads and straws. They were very proud of their hard work and loved showing them off!

Next week I am going to read 'There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Books' to my sweeties. I made these color pages to go along with the theme.  I will use these at table time to help me assess what colors my little ones know.  If you would like your own copy click HERE.  I have a couple of additional old lady items posted on my TpT and TN stores, if you are interested.
Thanks for reading!  Have a great day.  :)

Freebie Fridays

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday


  1. Alex LOVED making the necklace and still wears it all the time. He was so excited to get off the bus and show everyone!

  2. I love that! Thank you for letting me know. :)
