Friday, June 21, 2013

My Teacher Always Says....

Tammy from Forever in First is hosting her first ever linky party and I am joining her to share my classroom mantras.
My first little teacher saying I got from Becky Bailey after attending a series of Conscious Discipline sessions offered at my school.  It is perfect to use when my little ones are making less than safe choices, such as leaning back in their chairs, running in the class, or fighting over a toy.  It takes the pressure off me being the bad guy and puts the focus on making good, safe choices.
My second little diddy is actually a duet between my para and me.  Whenever a little sweetie can't remember one of our names, we break out in song with Beyonce's 'Say My Name'.  It actually turns out quite funny because we will often hear our sweeties singing it in the bathroom or while their playing at centers.  :)
My third saying is used during learning and circle times.  Whenever someone answers a question correctly, such as which number is greater, I will follow with "how do you know?" to encourage higher level thinking with being able to answer verbally (which is quite hard for most of my learners).  At first I will help them with the answer, but after awhile they figure it out.  I am quite proud of my little learners!
This next mantra is used when I have a little one who tries to take over the class and tell his/her friends what to do.  Luckily I don't have to use it all the time!
The last saying I got from a fellow teacher who was trying to teach one of her students the difference between something that is actually a problem and something that was minor in the grand scheme of things.  Her student was having giant meltdowns over tiny issues.  She started using this with her and was able to help her think through and decide if it was worth reacting to.  I have started using it with my littles and they respond well to it also.
What are some of your favorite saying?  Head over to Forever in First and post them!
Thanks for reading!  Have a great day.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Lola, I'm so glad you joined my linky. It's been fun reading all the teaching mantras out there. There are so many wonderful ones and yours make our collection even better. I'd love to hear that duet, by the way. Thanks again!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First
