Sunday, June 2, 2013

June 'Currently'

Farley from Oh' Boy 4th Grade has a monthly linky party titled 'Currently'.  I have wanted to participate for a couple months and this month I actually have time. Yay for summer break!  So, here is my list:

  • There is nothing better that being able to putz around in the morning with nothing specific that I have to do.  I drink my coffee, listen to the birds sing, hang out on my computer in between throwing a load of laundry in the wash, etc.
  • I love the fact that it is my first Sunday without having Monday morning to worry about.  I still need to tie up some loose ends at school tomorrow, but I can go in at my own leisure.
  • It seems I never have time during the school year to pamper my feet, so a pedi is a must, and why not throw in a mani why I am at it.  :) One of my good friends just got her cosmetology license and works at a swanky salon.  We have already planned that I will be her last appointment of the day and go to happy hour after.  :)
  • Two of my classes start this week.  One is a blended in person/online class.  The other is all online.  The online class makes me nervous.  I am always afraid I will miss something, plus I am old school and I feel most comfortable with face to face contact between teacher and said student.
  • My idea of a good vacation is not having to do anything specific except RELAX!
Thanks for reading!  Have a great day.  :)


  1. My favorite vacations are those where it is relaxing. I am treating myself to a mani/pedi this week too.

    I am your newest follower. :)

    Mrs. Pauley’s Kindergarten

  2. A year!!! I don't think I could go that long between pedicures! Enjoy that pedi and Happy Hour! :)
    How about them apples?

    1. Ha Ha! That really does sound bad! I had pedicures through the summer, but when I started wearing shoes with socks I just did it myself!

  3. I really need a mani/pedi too! I found your blog through the currently linky party and I love it!

    ~Diving Into Learning

  4. I enjoy sitting out on the deck in the morning too. When my Mom lived closer I use to love sitting out on the deck with her in the morning or out on the screened-in porch. I love the feeling of it being Sunday & knowing that you don't have to do anything to get ready for the next day. I unfortunately won't have that luxury this summer as I'm working a summer enrichment camp. Happy to be a new follower. I love finding new blogs to follow from linky's.

