The math activities range from number recognition, number formation, one to one correspondence to number sense, including 10 frames and number bonds.
The literacy activities include letter recognition, letter formation, and letter sound fun.
This pack is full of math, literacy and fine motor activities to help students stay motivated and make learning fun! This pack is 217 pages long and offers lots of choices for differentiation. Take a look at everything included:
Playdough Pack Activities
• Playdough Color Matching Activity: Students match the playdough and container by color and color word. To add more of a challenge, use the color sight words in black font. This activity can be used on cookie sheets, magnet boards, in pocket charts, or be made into a file folder games.• Playdough Color Memory Match: Play a memory game or play face up for younger learners. Ideas for use: Pass out and have students find their matching partner, place around the room and have students find the matching card. Can also be used in a pocket chart. An ink saving pattern is available, just run on construction paper or color with markers.
• Playdough Color Student Sheet: Two versions are available, depending on the level of your learner. One has color word written in matching color font and the other is in black font.
• Playdough Shape Cards: Help students recognize shape sight words with this activity where student match the shapes to the shape words. Use on a cookie sheet, magnet board, in a pocket chart, or make into file folder games.
• Playdough Formation Shape Cards: Available in both color and black and white. Use with playdough to teach students how to form shapes. Print off two copies and play memory, Go Fish, use in a pocket chart, and find the matching partner in the room.
• Playdough Shapes Mat: Print, laminate, and use with playdough to form shapes. Two versions are available, one has an oval include while the other has a hexagon instead. Other shapes on the mat are circle, square, rhombus, rectangle, and triangle.
• Playdough Shapes Student Sheet: Students cut and glue the playdough label to the matching container by shape.
• Playdough Number Cards to 30: Use during circle/calendar time, to teach number recognition, to sequence numbers, print two copies and play memoty, etc.
• Playdough Number Smash Sheets: Two versions are available with numbers 1-20. Hold up a number card or say a number and students either smash a ball of playdough on it or color in the number. Helps with number recognition!
• Playdough Number Cards and Student Color Pages: Cans of playdough with numbers 1-20 and student pages that can be used as a color the room activity, large group, small group, or individual activity. Four sheets are available to allow for differentiation. Students either recognize or write the numbers and color the playdough lid to match.
• Playdough Number Formation Cards: Use with playdough to teach students how to form numbers.
• Playdough Number Mats: These mats are offered in both color and black and white for numbers 1-10. Students form the number, add that many gumballs to a gumball machine, and smash balls of playdough on the ten frame. There is also a blank mat that can be used with a die.
• Playdough Number Bonds: Use small balls of playdough or manipulatives to teach composing/decomposing numbers to 10. Plus, there are three number bond student sheets to choose from.
• Playdough Alphabet Cards: Both upper and lowercase letters to use during circle/calendar time, to teach letter recognition, play memory, and use with letter sound cards.
• ABC Playdough Smash Sheets:: Pick an alphabet card or name a letter or letter sound. Students find and smash a small ball of playdough or color in the letter on their recording sheets. Four versions of the sheets are available. Choose the one that works best for your learner(s).
• Playdough Alphabet Formation Cards: Available in both upper and lowercase. Use with playdough to teach students how to form letters.
• Playdough Alphabet Mats: Students use these mats with playdough (or dry erase markers) to form letters and learn letter sounds. Mats are available in both color and black and white.
• Playdough Letter Sound and Alphabet Recognition Cards: Match letter sound pictures on balls of playdough to playdough containers that have letters of the alphabet on them. There are also containers of playdough cards with letter sound picture to allow for another alphabet/letter sound activity. Plus, student pages for individual practice.
• Various Playdough Cards: Students use these as a guide to learn how to form different things with playdough. Cards range from making balls, snakes, curves, zigzags to making apples, flowers, suns, faces, etc. Available in color and black and white.
• Playdough Recipes: Several different homemade playdough recipes are included.
• Letter to Parents: A letter explaining the importance of playdough to develop fine motor skills and asking parents to donate playdough to be used in your class!
This pack is perfect for the beginning of the year, but can be used throughout the year, too!
Use these activities as arrival/table time activities, center activities, small group instruction, stations, and during circle/learning times. These activities are designed for preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten.
The full pack is 217 pages long and includes shapes, colors, alphabet, math, and fine motor activities.
All the activities are bundled together to offer you a huge discount.
However, if you want something smaller, I broke up the pack into smaller packs.
There is a Playdough Math Pack.
There is also a Playdough Alphabet Pack.
All three are discounted 50%, plus everything in my store is 20% off through the end of the month!
Thanks for reading! Have a great day!