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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Spring Themed Learning Fun and a FREEBIE!

Happy spring everyone!  I love this time of year.  Everything is coming to life and it's such a wonderment for little ones.  I'd like to highlight a couple of my spring themed packs and give you a freebie, too!  Plus, all my spring themed packs are 20% off!
Up first is my Spring Fling Math and Literacy Fun! Theme pack
Here's what is included:
It's 132 pages and packed full of fun!

It's made to go with the book "There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Frog"  
Here's what is included:
And, now for your freebie!  Mouse's First Spring by Lauren Thompson is a favorite read-aloud.  This freebie is a fun little retelling activities where students can cut and glue pictures of thing Mouse saw in the story.


Monday, March 20, 2017

Cinco de Mayo Makeover!

One of my very first packs that I uploaded to Teacher's Pay Teacher's was my Cinco de Mayo pack.  Well, needless to say I have learned a lot since then and my pack was bad need of a makeover!  If you already purchased this pack, please re download the new and improved version!  If not, I have it on sale at 50% off to celebrate the revised version.  You can check it out here!
Cinco de Mayo Math and Literacy Fiesta Fun: What’s Included

Vocabulary Words: Print on cardstock, laminate, and cut apart. A great way to introduce new vocabulary for your unit. Display in a pocket chart.
Spanish/English Shapes: Shapes are in both English and Spanish. Shapes included are circle, square, triangle, oval, rhombus, octagon, pentagon, and trapezoid.
Number Cards From 1-20: Numbers are in both English and Spanish.
Niños Alphabet Cards: Both upper and lowercase cards are included. Print, laminate, and cut apart. Play a memory game, matching game or “Go Fish” type of game with the cards.
Sombrero Color Matching Activity: Students can sort pom poms and other items by the color of sombrero. Run on construction paper or cardstock and laminate for durability.
Color Cards: Colors in both English and Spanish. Print, laminate and cut apart cards.
Colors of Cinco de Mayo Emergent Reader: Three versions are available. One version is in black and white with English color words. One version has Spanish color words, and the last version has color words in English with coordinating color of font for the color.
Sombrero Size Sort: Students cut apart up to five different sizes of sombreros to put in size order. Both black and white or color versions are available.
Where’s the Sombrero Positional Word Emergent Reader: Prepositions included are: under, above, on, beside, next to, below, in between, and on top off. Use all or some pages.
Fiesta Fun Ordinal Number Activity: Two versions to choose from, depending on the level of your learner.
Maraca Measuring: Use non-standard units to measure and record the different sizes of maracas.
Pepper Patterning: Five different patterning pages to choose from.
I have/Who has 10 Frame Cards: There are two versions to choose from. One is from 1-10 and the other goes to 20.
Ninos de Serape Craftivity and Glyph: Directions to make a craftivity or to extend it into a glyph.
Mexican Flag Craft: Both color and black and white versions are available. Students can add tissue paper, color, or add collage materials to make this craft.

Lots of fun activities with Mexican flair! Perfect for little learners to help reinforce math and language skills, while introducing them to very basic Spanish vocabulary/concepts.
Here is a peek at the preview:
Here are some of the activities close up:
 Vocabulary Words
 Shapes in Spanish and English
 Numbers to 20 in both Spanish and English
 Upper and lowercase letters of the alphabet
 Colors in Spanish and English

A Color Emergent Reader
Size Sorting Activity
 A Positional Word Emergent Reader
Ordinal Numbers Activities
 Non-Standard Measuring Activity
 An Adorable Craftivity an/or Glyph Activity
A Mexican Flag Craft

There are 112 pages and right now you can get it at the bargain price of $2.25!
You can check it out HERE!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Easy Last Minute St. Patrick's Day Activities!

St. Patrick's Day is in two days and if you're looking for some easy prep, quick, and fun activities, look no further because I have you covered!
My little ones LOVE all the Old Lady books and this retelling pack is super fun while working on important retelling and sequencing skills.  Take a look at what's included:
Vocabulary Cards:  Print on cardstock, laminate, and cut apart words or leave as a poster.  Preview vocabulary from the story prior to reading and/or review vocabulary after reading 
the story.  Place in writing center, pocket chart, or back with magnetic tape and use on magnetic board/cookie sheet.  I have my students pick a card, write it down and draw a 
picture to illustrate the word.
Story retelling cards: Print, laminate, and cut out. Give students a picture to hold during the story. When that student’s part is read he/she will hold up the picture. I added extra pictures to accommodate more student participation.  Print off as many copies as needed.  Print off two copies and play a memory type game. Also can be used with the cut and paste retelling activity to help little ones identify the picture needed. 

Old Lady Puppet:  Pieces to use with a puppet. Use the old lady head and a paper bag or large Ziploc bag to make a puppet if you do not have one.
Individual Puppet Pieces: Students color (optional) and cut apart the puppet retelling pieces.  Staple or glue the old lady head to a small lunch bag or a Ziploc baggie.  Retell the story in the order the old lady swallowed the pieces. Students find and place those pieces in their bags. 
{I use individual small trays for students to keep their pieces together after cutting them out.  To make finding pieces easier, you may want to hold up your own pieces from the class puppet set.  Encourage students to retell the story at home!}
Story sequencing: Cut and glue picture in order of the things the old lady swallowed in the story. 
There Was an Old Lady Essential Questions: Students can circle or color the correct answer. 

There Was an Old Lady Emergent Reader:  A simpler version of the story to encourage retelling by young readers. 

I recently updated this pack with an individual take home puppet activity that sweet ones can share with their families.
You can use any or all of the pack for quick and easy St. Patricks Day fun!

Make everyday learning fun by adding a St. Patrick's Day theme to concepts. Colors, shapes, counting/math, and alphabet/letter recognition/letter sounds are made fun!
  • St. Patrick’s Day Theme Early Learning Pack; What’s Included:
  • Coin Color Sort: Sort the coins by color under the color word. Perfect to use on a cookie sheet with magnetic tape or as a file folder game for small groups or individual work. Use with a pocket chart or on a large magnetic whiteboard for large groups.
  • Leprechaun Colors: Run two copies and play memory or use as a color match activity. Run several copies or run the black and white version on colored cardstock or construction paper and use to practice sorting and patterning.
  • Lucky Leprechaun Color Page: Color the Leprechaun by color word.
  • Over the Rainbow Shape Match: Match the coin shapes by the coin shaped belt buckle on the Leprechaun. Perfect to make into a file folder game or use on a cookie sheet with magnetic tape.
  • Pot of Gold Shapes: Place matching coins by shape into the pot. A black and white version is also included to save on ink.
  • Gumball Machine/Gumball Counting Activity: Place green and/or white gumballs in numbered gumball machines with a St. Patrick’s Day theme.
  • Paddy’s Patterns: Run gumballs on different colors of construction paper or cardstock. Practice making patterns with your little learners. Have them color gumball patterns by your directions {You decide which patterns to use AB. AAB, ABB, ABC, etc.}
  • Rainbow Candy Math: Sort rainbow candy {Skittles} by color and then graph the results. Students record the color with the most, least, and total number of candies. Ink saving versions are also included.
  • Rainbow Upper and Lowercase Letter Match: Students match upper case to lowercase letter. Perfect for cookie sheet learning or make into a file folder game. Also can be used on a large magnetic board.
  • Lucky Letter Pots and Solid Gold Sounds: Match the gold coins with letter sound pictures to the pots that have letters of the alphabet on them.

May the luck of the Irish be with you!  
Thanks for reading!  Have a great day :)

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Pizza, Pizza! Pizza Theme Activities!

There are so many fun activities that can be incorporated into a pizza theme.  These two pizza packs are perfect for teaching little ones math and literacy skills.  Let's take a look at the first pack.
There are 144 pages in this pack.  Mama Mia, Pizzeria Pizza Pack is full of tons of learning fun that is perfect for pre-k, kindergarten, preschool, TK, and SPED resources. Here is what's included:

Vocabulary Words: Print on cardstock, laminate, and cut apart. Display in a pocket chart.
Read and Write the Room Activities: Four different sheets to choose from allows for different levels of learners.
Pizza Chef Alphabet and Letter Sound Cards: Both upper and lowercase cards are included, as well as letter sound cards. Print, laminate, and cut apart. Play a memory game, matching game or “Go Fish” type of game with the cards.
Alphabet Pizzas: Offered in both color and black and white. Students mark off or bingo dot the letter named. May be used with alphabet cards, as well.
Mini Pizza Letter Sound Toppings: Mini pizzas from A to Z with four toppings that begin with that letter to match. Students add the correct toppings to the pizza with that letter sound. I purchased mini pizza boxes (3.5 inches) from ETSY to put my pizzas in, just for fun.
Rhyming Pizzas: Students find the pictures/words that rhyme with the middle pepperoni on the pizza. Differentiate this activity by limiting or expanding the number of rhyming pizzas per activity. Use as a small group, large group or center activity.
Rhyming Pizzas Student Sheet: Assess the level of mastery with this student page, use as extra practice work, or send as homework.
CVC Word Family Pizzas: Students match the pepperonis by word families. You can differentiate this activity by limiting or expanding the number of word family pizzas per activity.
Pizza CVC Word Family Pizzas Student Sheet: Assess the level of mastery with this student page, use as extra practice work, or send as homework.
Pizza Chef Number Cards From 0-30: Use in a variety of ways., such as number recognition, sequencing, find the missing number, and for one to one correspondence, for a few examples.
Individual Pizzas for Counting Activities: Students roll a die/dice or choose a number card and place that many toppings on their pizza.
Large Pizzas Counting Activities: Print as many pizzas as needed on cardstock, laminate, and cut out pizza. Use as a playdough mat or play a game where students roll a die/dice and place counters, such as pompoms, Unifix cubes, small
blocks, etc.
or use balls of playdough
{red for
pepperoni and brown for sausage, if desired} on circles. Use on a cookie sheet, pizza pan, or in a pizza box for added fun! Helps with 1:1 correspondence, adding two numbers together, taking turns, playing a game following rules, waiting for a turn and fine motor development!
Black and White Pizza Counting Mats: Several versions to choose from, depending on the level of your learners. Use bingo dot markers or have students color in the number. Blank pizzas are also available to encourage writing numbers up to 20.
Pizza Number Bonds: Use these pizzas to help teach number bonds. Students determine the missing number and place the correct pepperoni on the pizza. Number bonds teach part/part/whole, or composing and decomposing numbers. The number bonds include the numbers from 2 to 10.
Mama, Mia, Pizzeria Number Bonds Student Sheet: Use for practice or reinforcement of the skill of adding two numbers together to get the larger number in a number bond format.
Pizza Fractions: Introduce little learner to the fractions half, thirds, quarters, and whole. Lots of different pizza pieces to use hands on and word problems that can be read to your learners while they problem solve.
Pepperoni Pizza Shapes: Students sort pepperoni toppings by shape on the correct pizzas. Shapes included are circle, square, triangle, oval, rhombus, octagon, pentagon, and trapezoid.
Toppings Trace: Students trace the shape toppings on the pizza. Shapes included are rectangle, square, circle, and triangle.
Pizza Shapes By the Slice. Students can color or cut and match shapes, read shape words and cut and match shapes, or draw shapes. Lots of options to help differentiate for the needs of your learners.
Pizza Color Matching Activity: Students match pizzas by color. To add more of a challenge, use the color sight words in black font. Print on cardstock, laminate and cut apart.
Make a Color Pizza: Patterns to make a pizza of all on color. Helps young learners focus on one color at a time.
Larger Pizza Color Cards: Play a face up matching game (for younger students) or turn face down and play a memory game. Students take turns turning over two cards. If the colors match, the student keeps the cards.
Print on cardstock, laminate, and cut apart cards.
Pizza Colors Student Sheet: Two versions are available, depending on the level of your learner.
Three and Four Step Pizza Making Sequencing Sheets: There are three sheets to choose from to allow for differentiation of your learners. Cut apart pictures and glue in order to make a pizza.
My Shape Pizza Instructions, Recording Sheet and Chef Craftivity to Display the Recording Sheet.
Chef Hat: Cut and attach to a sentence strip to make chef hats for your
little pizza makers!

Use these pizza activities as arrival/table time activities, center activities, small group instruction, stations, and during circle/learning times. These activities are designed for preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten.

My next pack is to be used with the book "Pete's a Pizza" by William Steig.
Pete's a Pizza by William Steig is such a fun book about a boy getting turned into a pizza by his dad and one of my student favorite read alouds. Please note the book will need to be purchased separately.
This book is perfect to use during a pizza theme or to help teach retelling skills with hands on fun!
Pete’s a Pizza Retelling Pack Activities
Vocabulary Cards: Print on cardstock, laminate, and cut apart words or leave as a poster. Preview vocabulary from the story prior to reading and/or review vocabulary after reading the story. 
Story Retelling Cards: Print, laminate, and cut out. Give students a picture to hold during the story. When that student’s part is read he/she will hold up the picture. Print off two copies and play a memory or matching type game. Also can be used with the cut and paste retelling activity to help little ones identify the picture needed. 
Yes/No Questions: Print on cardstock, laminate, and cut apart cards. Use the question cards like flash cards to work on answering Yes/No questions, form complete sentences, and to check understanding of the story. Students can 
verbally answer the questions or mark the ‘thumbs up’ for yes or the ‘thumbs down’ for no with a dry erase marker. 
Story Sequencing Student Sheet: Cut and glue pictures in order of the story. Great for working on sequencing skills and retelling the story. 
Re-enact the Story with Props: Patterns, ideas, and directions to use props to retell the story. My students love this activity! They each get a turn to be made into a pizza!

Easy prep and easy to use! 

Both packs are half price through March 13th!  You can find them HERE and HERE!

Thanks for reading!  Have a great day. :)