It's time for Doodle Bugs Teaching Five for Friday linky. I've been super busy this summer, but managed to squeeze in the following this week.
All About Me Theme: What’s Included
• Let’s Graph! The following class graphs are included:
What Color Are Our Eyes?
What Color is Our Hair?
How Many Boys and Girls Are There in Our Class?
How Many Letters in Our Name?
What’s Our Favorite Color?
How Old Are We?
You may choose to do all, some, or one class graph. Individual student recording sheets/graphs are also included. You may choose to run the pieces in black and white and have students color or run the pieces on colored paper. Graph on chart paper, butcher paper, whiteboards, pocket charts or whatever works best for you1
• All About Me Emergent Reader and Cutout Craftivity
Included are two emergent readers {one boy version and one girl version}. After completing the book, students can cutout and/or decorate a boy or girl cutout to display the book. Run on colored paper or on white paper and let your students color. There are three boy and three girl patterns to choose from.
• All About Me Bag
Attach the parent letter to a lunch bag, gallon size baggie, or any other bag of your choice. Parents can help their child fill the bag with favorite items from home. You may choose to do this during your ‘All About Me’ theme or spread it out during the school year.
• The ABC’s of Us Class Book
Send home with the attached parent letter. Parents fill out and return. Laminate or place in a page protector once returned. Hole punch and attach book rings or bind together. Place in reading center for all to enjoy! You may also choose to send the book home with each student for a night so they can tell parents about their classmates.
• All About Me Craftivity
After having parents fill out and return the ‘All About Me’ page, you may choose to display it by having students put together a boy or girl craftivity. To make the craftivity, run the patterns on the appropriate color construction paper and glue together. Students can draw the face or use wiggle eyes, if desired.
• ‘Look at Us, Cute as Can Be!’ Class Book
A class book where students can draw themselves or use photos of children. Personal information, such as hair/eye color is also included to help little ones learn about their classmates.
• This is Me Monthly Drawing Pages
Use once a month, if desired, to have students draw themselves and write their names. Keep in a portfolio to show monthly progress, then bind together or hole punch to make a book to send home at the end of the year! Parent LOVE this and it’s a great way to see growth throughout the year.
• When I Grow Up….
Students draw what they want to be when they grow up. I also use this at our end of the year celebration.
• ‘I have/Who has Shapes Game
Game with boys and girls holding shapes. Shapes included are circle, square, oval, triangle, pentagon, rectangle, trapezoid, and rhombus.
• Color pages with an ‘All About Me’ theme!
Color words in both black and white and in color options are available.
It's just $2.00 this weekend only!
I have been able to get into my room to start setting up. I changed buildings at the end of the school year. While it's bitter sweet to leave my friends. I am very excited to be now teaching a full day preschool class. I've always wanted to teach full day, for the mere fact that I always felt so rushed to get everything in. I'm anxious to see how it all unfolds. Since everything had to be moved, I was a bit overwhelmed to walk into this……
I've made a little progress, but still have LOTS to do. This is how I left it for the weekend.

I just finished two classes. One was Office 365. It's amazing how much is now online. Our staff notebooks may soon be online with the ability to teach kids through OneNote. Wow, is all I have to say!
I also took a phonemic awareness class. It was awesome. I learned a ton about the reading program Pathways. I'm excited to try a few activities this upcoming school year.
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I finally finished my 'All About Me' theme that I plan to use at the beginning of the school year. Most of these activities are things I already do, but never took the time to put in a pack It did motivate me to create a few new activities too!
Here's a peek at some of the activities:
• Let’s Graph! The following class graphs are included:
What Color Are Our Eyes?
What Color is Our Hair?
How Many Boys and Girls Are There in Our Class?
How Many Letters in Our Name?
What’s Our Favorite Color?
How Old Are We?
You may choose to do all, some, or one class graph. Individual student recording sheets/graphs are also included. You may choose to run the pieces in black and white and have students color or run the pieces on colored paper. Graph on chart paper, butcher paper, whiteboards, pocket charts or whatever works best for you1
• All About Me Emergent Reader and Cutout Craftivity
Included are two emergent readers {one boy version and one girl version}. After completing the book, students can cutout and/or decorate a boy or girl cutout to display the book. Run on colored paper or on white paper and let your students color. There are three boy and three girl patterns to choose from.
• All About Me Bag
Attach the parent letter to a lunch bag, gallon size baggie, or any other bag of your choice. Parents can help their child fill the bag with favorite items from home. You may choose to do this during your ‘All About Me’ theme or spread it out during the school year.
• The ABC’s of Us Class Book
Send home with the attached parent letter. Parents fill out and return. Laminate or place in a page protector once returned. Hole punch and attach book rings or bind together. Place in reading center for all to enjoy! You may also choose to send the book home with each student for a night so they can tell parents about their classmates.
• All About Me Craftivity
After having parents fill out and return the ‘All About Me’ page, you may choose to display it by having students put together a boy or girl craftivity. To make the craftivity, run the patterns on the appropriate color construction paper and glue together. Students can draw the face or use wiggle eyes, if desired.
• ‘Look at Us, Cute as Can Be!’ Class Book
A class book where students can draw themselves or use photos of children. Personal information, such as hair/eye color is also included to help little ones learn about their classmates.
• This is Me Monthly Drawing Pages
Use once a month, if desired, to have students draw themselves and write their names. Keep in a portfolio to show monthly progress, then bind together or hole punch to make a book to send home at the end of the year! Parent LOVE this and it’s a great way to see growth throughout the year.
• When I Grow Up….
Students draw what they want to be when they grow up. I also use this at our end of the year celebration.
• ‘I have/Who has Shapes Game
Game with boys and girls holding shapes. Shapes included are circle, square, oval, triangle, pentagon, rectangle, trapezoid, and rhombus.
• Color pages with an ‘All About Me’ theme!
Color words in both black and white and in color options are available.
It's just $2.00 this weekend only!
I have been able to get into my room to start setting up. I changed buildings at the end of the school year. While it's bitter sweet to leave my friends. I am very excited to be now teaching a full day preschool class. I've always wanted to teach full day, for the mere fact that I always felt so rushed to get everything in. I'm anxious to see how it all unfolds. Since everything had to be moved, I was a bit overwhelmed to walk into this……
I've made a little progress, but still have LOTS to do. This is how I left it for the weekend.

I just finished two classes. One was Office 365. It's amazing how much is now online. Our staff notebooks may soon be online with the ability to teach kids through OneNote. Wow, is all I have to say!
I also took a phonemic awareness class. It was awesome. I learned a ton about the reading program Pathways. I'm excited to try a few activities this upcoming school year.
A couple years back, I did a photo booth for back to school night. Both parents and kids loved it! I plan on doing it again. I made these speech bubbles that I plan on printing on card stock, laminating, and attacking to a popsicle stick. Click HERE if you would like your own set.

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Be sure to check out TPT sitewide sale August 3rd and 4th. Everything in my store will be 20% off and with the TPT promotion, you can get up to 28% off…….just in time for back to school!