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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Mail, Garbage, and Bones!

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching's Five for Friday linky party.
 It's been a busy and fun week.  Our theme has been community helpers.  Take a look at some of our activities.
We learned about mail carriers and then made these mail pouches.
The little writers then filled out postcards, practicing writing letters, abc's, and drawing.

There were so many stages of writing happening in this activity.
 It was exciting to see.  The next day everyone wanted to make more postcards and deliver them to their friends.  I always love to see my sweet ones get excited about writing.
After reading 'I Stink', we made these adorable trash trucks.
I love, love, love how they turned out.  :)
I love the different characteristics each truck took on.  :)
We also played an alphabet game based off the book.  Each little learner picked a card that had a picture of something the trash truck ate.  They had to decide what letter of the alphabet the picture started with and then bingo dot the letter on a garbage truck.
The little learners loved this activity.  They think the pictures from the book are hilarious!
After learning about the medical field, we made these 'x-rays' of our hands.
We started off painting our hands and wrists with white paint on black paper.
Then, we squeezed glue and placed q-tips to look like the bones in our hands and wrists.
I just posted my 'I Stink' ABC Activity and Garbage Truck Craftivity on Teachers Pay Teachers.  You can find it HERE, if you are interested.

That's it for my week!  Head over to Doodle Bugs Teaching for more Five for Friday.
Thanks for reading.  Have a great day.  :)

Monday, February 23, 2015

Teachers Are Heroes!

Just a quick note to let everyone know of a sale offered by Teachers Pay Teachers this Wednesday.  I am putting all items in my store on sale 20% and when you add the promo code HEROES You will get 28% off all my products. 
Click HERE to take you to my store.  Thanks for reading!  
Have a great day.  :)

Friday, February 20, 2015

Five for Friday!

Since I wasn't able to post last week I thought I would combine the past two weeks to show what we've been doing at school.  Unfortunately, I wasn't able to snap a lot of pics but you'll still get an idea of what we've been up to…..
The week before Valentine's Day, we worked on pairing rhyming words by matching heart halves with pictures of things that rhyme.
I was thrilled with how well my learners did with this.
We also made these adorable 'love bugs' for Valentine's Day.  
This week we have been reading different versions of 'The Three Bears'.  We made this art project by sorting circles by size to make 'Papa, Mama, and Baby Bear'.  We added a bow tie, bow, and bib to complete it.  
{I had to add the picture of this handsome boy with his bow tie, just like Papa Bear :) }
I love how they all turned out a little bit differently.  :)
To finish our bears unit we painted construction paper black, brown, or white to represent black, brown, or polar bears.  Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of the finished product yet.
{I promise to be better next week!}
I hope you have been able to take advantage of all the fabulous freebies this month.  Just click on the date at the top of the page to take you to a fabulous freebie!
Thanks for reading.  Have a great day.  :)

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

SPED Blog Hop Freebie!

Today is my day to share a freebie with all of you!  I'm so excited to be part of the Special Education Blog Hop offered the entire month of February.  I hope you have been taking advantage of all the fabulous freebies.
I am a huge fan of Karma Wilson and Jane Chapman's books.
When I saw 'Bear Sees Colors' I knew I had to snap it up.  I made this interactive class book/activity to go with it along with student emergent readers.  Both activities are offered in color and black and white versions.
If your learner is still working on matching/identifying colors the colored version works best.  If your learner is working on reading color words, the black and white version is the one to use.
Click HERE to download this freebie!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Valentine Pack Giveaway!

 I finally finished my 'Love Bug' Valentine Theme Math and Literacy Activities Pack and as a thank you to all my readers I am offering you a chance to win it for free.  {The rafflecopter will be at the end of this post}  Also, because I was late in getting it ready in time for Valentine's Day,  I have it on sale at my Teachers Pay Teachers store for $2.00.  There are 98 pages of activities.  Here is what's included:
We finished up learning about penguins and moved onto polar bears this week.  My little ones in the afternoon have journals they work on after snack.  We are trying to incorporate our learning into journal writing.  I loved it when two of my sweeties showed me what they were working on…..
I'm pretty sure this little guy is more than ready for kindergarten in the fall.  :)

One of our stories this week was 'Polar Bear, Polar Bear What Do You Hear?'  We made retelling puppets to sequence the story.
We aso worked on 10 frames with a polar bear theme.
You can find activities to coincide with this book at my TpT store.  I have a Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? Math and Literacy Extension pack available.  I also have a Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? Retelling Pack available.
Dont' forget to check out the daily freebies, tricks and tips offered at the top of my blog.  Click on the date and it will take you to the blogger with the freebie on that particular day.  There are so many awesome freebies!

For a chance to win my 'Love Bug ' Bug Valentine themed Math and Literacy Activities Pack just enter the rafflecopter below!

Be sure to head over to Doodle Bugs Teaching to check out Five for Friday!

Thanks for reading!  Have a great day.  :)

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Currently and a Month of Freebies!

It's hard to believe it's already February and time for the next 'Currently' offered by Farley over at Oh' Boy Fourth Grade.

Here is my 'Currently for February
LISTENING:  To Shark Tank….I've never really watched it before but thought I would give it a try.  Funny thing is my son has a great idea he could peddle.  Maybe he will end up on the show.  :)
LOVING:  It's already February….. this year has seemed long, yet fast.  
THINKING:  I have a trip to Chicago planned the weekend after next.  I'm super excited about it….tick tock, it seems to be taking forever to arrive!
WANTING:  It seems for the past 3 or 4 months I have had a sore throat, congestion, and just down right not feeling good.  I'm ready for that to be O.V.E.R.  This year my sweet ones have been out a lot with illnesses.  We are ready to be healthy again!
NEEDING:   The springtime seems to be filled with an over abundance of paperwork.  I'd like to get a head start and not feel so overwhelmed…
PAGEANT TITLE:  I  guess if I had to narrow it down, I would be 'Little Miss Shiny'.  I seem to get distracted by 'shiny objects'…that's a running joke at my school.  I  swear I have ADD.  I start one project, then quickly jump into something else…….I do that at home, too.  I'll start cleaning one room, then walk into another and start cleaning that room before I finish the first.  It's a never-ending cycle!
And for the month of freebies…...
Be sure to click on the links/dates at the top of the page to take you to a fabulous February freebie offered by Special Education Blog Hop.  Click on the current date to take you to the post with the freebie.  They are FABULOUS!

Thanks for reading!  Have a great day :)

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Valentine Blog Hop!

I am super excited to be apart of a very special blog hop that will last the entire month of February.
28 of us have teamed up to bring you loads of goodies this month! Every day throughout the month of February one blogger will reveal one or more sweet treats for you on their blog. Today, Traci from The Bender Bunch is offering two of her Teachers Pay Teachers items for FREE, as well as a chance to win some other rest prizes!  Head over to her blog to check it out.

And, speaking of Valentine's, I am almost finished my Love Bug Valentine Math and Literacy Pack.  {Yippee}.  Be sure to come back and check it out.  I will be blogging about it very soon!
Thanks for reading!  Have a great day.  :)