This week was filled with tons of apple fun!

We climbed an 'apple tree' to pick a delicious treat. :)
That day we made apple taffy pizza with another class, which was delicious!
The learners all helped peel apples. They also helped mixed the ingredients. They were totally engaged and loving it.
Here is the recipe, just in case you would like it.
We ended the week with an 'Apple Fun Day'. Some of our activities included…..
Playing baseball with an apple,
using bug catcher tongs to pick up miniature apples to race a friend, and
having a spoon race using real apples.
When we were all finished, we threw the leftover battered and bruised apples over the fence for our wildlife friends to enjoy. :)
Link up your Five for Friday with Doodle Bugs Teaching.
Thanks for reading! Have a great day. :)