Forgive my lack of posts this past week, I have been in bed most of the week but I am feeling much better now and ready to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday.
I did manage to finish up and add a new product to my TpT store and TN store. It's my 'Interactive Alphabet Journal Prompts' pack. I plan to use these with my Pre-K sweeties to help them with alphabet recognition and letter sounds skills. I use composition notebooks for journals. Everyday after snack, my learners get their journals to practice writing letters, numbers, drawing shapes, and practice writing their name. I am going to add these journal prompts to help work on our letter of the week. I think it's really going to help them with their alphabet.
There are five pages for each letter, so you can have a different prompt every day if you have a letter of the week. It also allows for differentiation, depending on the skill level of your learner. Just pick the prompts you want to use. This would also be great in kindergarten to introduce/review letters of the alphabet and/or for intervention for struggling students. To view them on Teachers pay Teachers click HERE. To view them on Teachers Notebook click HERE.
Next week I will begin taking some classes for college credit. I am very excited about my first class. It's a summer writing institute with Matt Glover.
I participated in an in-service this past school year with Matt where we reviewed this book. I came away with so many great ideas, so I am really excited to get even more ideas and a chance to collaborate with fellow educators. :)

This summer I have had the pleasure of meeting this amazingly talented man. I am trying to talk him into writing and recording some songs for me to use in my classroom. I need another hello song, months of the years, days of the week, and weather song. I like the ones I have, but need a little variety! Take a listen for yourself. :)
If you have any suggestions for songs, please let me know.
Next Thursday through Sunday (July 24th-27th) I will be having a 'Christmas in July' sale at both my TpT and TN stores. Enjoy 20% off all my products!
And now, for my freebie…this is one I have written about before, but it's a good one, especially for the beginning of the year to introduce and/or review colors. It would work great with the book "Mouse's First Day of School"
You can get it HERE at TpT or HERE at TN.
Be sure to link up your Five for Friday with Doodle Bugs Teaching.
Thanks for reading! Have a good day. :)