Sunday, May 3, 2020

Cinco de Mayo!

I love Cinco de Mayo!  To me it represents fiestas, fun, and family.  There are two products in my store that are specifically geared towards this celebration.

The Runaway Tortilla is my newest retelling pack that can be used any time of the year, but works really well for Cinco de Mayo.  It's like the gingerbread man with a southwestern flair!  The book is written by Eric A. fun!

I also have my Cinco de Mayo learning pack available.  It's filled with math and literacy learning activities.  There are simple concepts in both English and Spanish...just enough to introduce colors, shapes, counting and vocabulary to your little learners.

I hope you find both of these useful!  As a thank you for reading this post all the way through, leave a message and I'll let you pick one for free!!  Leave your email address and which pack you would like and I will send it to you!

Wednesday, January 1, 2020


One of my favorite winter books is called Pink! by Lynn Rickards.  It is a sweet story about a penguin who wakes up pink.  He goes to Africa to find other pink birds (flamingos) so he doesn't feel so alone.  Patrick misses home and when he returns he, his family, and friends come to the conclusion that it is ok to be different.  I made a book companion pack to go along with this story.

You can pick it up HERE.