Friday, June 3, 2016

Ocean Activities Five for Friday!

Hey there!  I'm finally able to sit down and write a blog post since I'm officially on summer break.  {Woo hoo} The last month or so, I've kind of neglected my little ole blog.  Things were super busy and unfortunately my blog got pushed to the bottom of the pile.  So, I'm gonna backtrack into May and play catch up….
We ended the year with an ocean unit.  There are so many fun things to do with this theme.  

This was one of my favorite craftivities of the year. After studying ocean life, each little learner drew a picture of things they could see under the water.  Then, to display our work we made either mermaids, mermen, or scuba divers.  {They got to decide which one they wanted to make}
 How adorable are these?
I love these mermaids, too!
They made such a cute display!
 Using a magnetic fishing pole, the little learners caught a shaped fish, identified the shape by describing the characteristics and then placed it in an 'aquarium'.
 Then, they completed a student page of shapes.  Some shapes were small so using a magnifying glass to look at them was a super fun bonus!
 Using different color fish cards, the little ones sorted by color first and then practiced patterning.
The good stuff was brought out next!
 What's an ocean unit without Goldfish crackers?
To work on our alphabet recognition and phonemic awareness skills, I put magnetic letters in a fish bowl.  Each student took turns fishing out a letter.  If they identified it and/or knew the letter sound they got to keep it.  If not, it went back into the fish bowl.  
My class loves these kinds of games.  When we are finished they can trade in their fish for special treasures.
We also made sandcastles using different shapes of sandpaper.  
The bottom of the picture was first brushed with watered down glue and then sand was sprinkled on top.  I love the creativity each sweetie used when making their sandcastle.
These were just a few of our ocean activities.
I just finished my Ocean Pack and it's available on TPT.  You can check it out HERE.

Be sure to check out Doodle Bugs Teaching Five for Friday linky party!
Thanks for reading!  Have a great day!!!  :)