And speaking of adorable......check out these sweeties!
We re-enacted the story while wearing our Max masks.
Click on the patterns below if you would like to make your own masks.
One of my favorite things about teaching preschoolers is all the fabulous gifts I receive! This week I was bestowed with these beauties..........
We also read "Go Away Big Green Monster". We re-told the story with the help of a gigantic green monster and individual monsters made out of felt. They did a fabulous job.
Another of our stories this week was "My Friend the Monster". This is such a cute book. We then made these fun monsters like the one in the book.
One of my favorite things about teaching preschoolers is all the fabulous gifts I receive! This week I was bestowed with these beauties..........
a necklace and in the cup is a bug. :) I was told by my little sweetie that it was a nice bug. I love them!
I was also given this heart shaped leaf. When the young gentleman thought he had lost it he was almost in tears. I told him to look in the pocket on the other side of his backpack and there it was! He replied, "Oh, I was just kidding. I didn't lose it. Here it is!" He was so excited to give it to me. I have the sweetest kids. :)We also read "Go Away Big Green Monster". We re-told the story with the help of a gigantic green monster and individual monsters made out of felt. They did a fabulous job.
Another of our stories this week was "My Friend the Monster". This is such a cute book. We then made these fun monsters like the one in the book.
My daughter flew home for the weekend. Yippee! We will be going to the Mizzou game for Homecoming. I can't wait.
Link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for your Five For Friday!
Thanks for reading! Have a great day. :)